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Pritchett Brothers Roofing & Exteriors


Phone (812) 275-3185
Address 108 Briarwood Ln,
Bedford, IN 47421 United States


In Bedford, Indiana, Pritchett Brothers Roofing & Exteriors stands as a beacon of quality and reliability for homeowners and businesses alike. Our expertise in roofing solutions stretches across a wide array of services including roof replacement, commercial roofing, exterior renovation, and roof repair. We take pride in our workmanship and understand that your property is more than just an investment; it's a sanctuary for you and your loved ones or the face of your business. This is why we go above and beyond to offer comprehensive residential storm restoration and siding replacement services tailored to the unique needs of the Bedford community. As a dependable roofing company in Bloomington and surrounding areas, our team is committed to delivering exceptional service with every project we undertake. Your peace of mind is our top priority, which drives us to use only the finest materials coupled with impeccable craftsmanship to ensure lasting results.

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