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Hana Florist POS


Phone (240) 685-9985
Address 12410 Milestone Center Dr Suite 600,
Germantown, MD 20876 United States


Hana Florist POS, founded in Maryland, USA in 2013, is a Web based Florist POS and florist website developer designed for florists. We focus on empowering retail flower businesses all over the world. Our cloud solution offers an all-in-own platform for physical and online operations, and unifies ecommerce, inventory, payments, and marketing.

Hana Software has its team of professional employees in North America and Asia. We offer top-notch services as Florist POS, Florist Website Designer and Developer, Wedding and event Proposal software, and Florist SEO. The company serves retail and service businesses in over 7 countries.

Hana Florist POS operates like your personal flower shop assistant. Our florist point of sale software provides you with a complete set of tools to simplify, scale, and provide exceptional buying experiences. Our state-of-the-art technology is designed to position florists for success. Our flower shop POS system enables content marketing that helps to reach a wider audience with SEO-implemented professional flower shop websites and high-quality content.

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